Sexy video for Beverly Hills $100M home takes real estate to a whole new level

Image from Opus video on Vimeo.
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (FOX 11) - As the saying goes sex sells everything, even real estate, apparently.
Half-naked models covered in gold are used in a video by Nile Niami and real estate firm Hilton and Hyland to seduce home buyers into buying the most expensive home in Beverly Hills.
The compound is known as Opus.
The 20,500-square-foot residence has seven bedrooms and 11 bathrooms. It has an incredible view with several swimming pools, a champagne vault and a ten-car museum that comes with a Rolls Royce and Lamborghini.
The asking price?
A cool $100 million.
Developer Nile Niami says they wanted to take a darker approach with the styling and direction of the video.
He says, "As night falls on Opus, the house has a very alluring and undeniably sexy vibe that needed to be captured. I kept telling the director ‘Go darker... go sexier.'"
By the way, the models are not included.
Opus is represented by agent Drew Fenton of Hilton & Hyland.
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