Study: More millennials want traditional household roles

Young people today are more likely to believe a man should be the head of the household than previous generations were, according to a recent study.

A Gender and Millennial Online Symposium from the Council on Contemporary Families says that while millennials are pushing for gender equality in the workplace, they're increasingly leaning toward traditional roles at home.

Researchers say that in 1994, 42 percent of high school seniors felt the best family dynamic was one where the man was the outside achiever and the woman took care of the home.

By 2014, the number of students who felt that way increased to 58 percent.

In the same study, researchers found 48 percent of high school seniors feel a mom who works can't have as warm and secure of a relationship with her kids as a mom who doesn't work.

That percentage raised to 60 in 2014.

Researchers call this trend "egalitarian essentialism," which is the belief that men and women choose different roles because each gender is "inherently" better suited for some roles over others.

The belief argues that as long as women aren't prevented from pursuing high-powered careers or forced out of them by becoming a parent, then the choices they make freely are likely for the best, researchers say.

CLICK HERE to read more symposium findings.