Taylor police officer accused of punching man multiple times while responding to domestic disturbance call

A Taylor police officer is accused of pointing a gun at a man and punching him multiple times during an incident last year.

Tyler Peake, 23, is charged with misconduct in office and assault and battery.

According to authorities, police were called at 1:43 a.m. on April 1, 2020, about an alleged domestic disturbance involving the caller's boyfriend, 34-year-old Brendan Morgan. The caller told police Morgan had left her home and was headed toward a Marathon gas station in a black sedan.

Seven officers in three marked patrol SUVs responded to the call and found Morgan driving toward the Marathon station in the 8350 block of Telegraph. They activated their lights and sirens as he pulled into the gas station, officials said.

Officials said the officers were wearing body cameras and in-vehicle cameras also captured the incident.

According to the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office, Peake allegedly approached Morgan with his gun out and told him to stop his car and get out several times. Morgan rolled down his window and raised both of his hands so they were visible, officials said.

Peake is then accused of punching Morgan in the face through the open window with his right hand while holding his gun in his left hand. The prosecutor's office said the alleged punch happened 10 seconds after Peake approached Morgan yelling commands.

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Other officers then forcibly removed Morgan from the vehicle. Once he was outside, Peake allegedly hit him multiple times while he was on the ground.

Peake is expected to be arraigned on the charges Wednesday.

Morgan, who is from Southfield, was charged in connection with the alleged incident at his girlfriend's home that happened before police were called.

He was charged with resisting and obstructing a police officer, fourth-degree fleeing the police, domestic violence, and malicious destruction of a building for damage to his girlfriend's house. 

During a preliminary exam in July 2020, the domestic violence, and the malicious destruction of a building charges were dismissed because the girlfriend did not appear in court.

A judge found insufficient evidence to bind Morgan over to trial on the remaining charges and the case was dismissed. 

After the preliminary exam, the assistant prosecutor forwarded the file to the WCPO Public Integrity unit for review. The case was sent to the Michigan State Police for investigation and a warrant request was presented to WCPO on January 21, 2021.

Crime and Public SafetyTaylorSouthfield