Teen's bond set at $250,000 after threats to Canton High School campus

Authorities have charged a 17-year-old after threats were found written on a bathroom wall in Canton and Salem High Schools. 

Brendan Sibel has been charged with two counts of Terrorism Threat, a 20-year felony, and two counts of Bomb Threat, a 4-year felony. Sibel's bond has been set at $250,000. 

The threats were discovered and assesed by police, and were found to be non-credible. School officials stress, though, that threats of any type will not be tolerated. 

"Any threats to the safety of our students and staff will be taken seriously, and those deemed responsible will be held accountable," said Monica L. Merritt, P-CCS Superintendent of Schools

Canton and Salem High Schools are two schools on the The Plymouth-Canton Educational Park campus in Canton, which also includes Plymouth High School.

"We recognize what makes our high school campus so unique as 'Three Schools, One Park' also presents some unique challenges…but we have an incredible community, and together we will ensure that P-CCS remains a safe learning environment for all," Merritt added.

Attorney David Nacht is representing Sibel and says the boy had no intention of carrying out the threats - he just wanted to get the day off school.

"I don't think it even dawned on him that people would actually be afraid. I don't think he reached that point," Nacht said.

Sibel's bond was initially set at $250,000 and his attorney was seeking a reduction. After hearing testimony on Thursday, the judge denied that request and set a probable cause hearing for next Friday, March