Toddler on life support after east side house fire

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A toddler is on life-support after a devastating house fire on Detroit's east side.

The little boy was one of seven people rescued from the flames and now investigators are trying to figure out what caused the blaze.

Bobby Wilkerson says he knew something was not right when family members ran down to his house around 1:30 a.m. Tuesday.

"Beating on window,  (I saw) blood on the window from them jumping out of the windows," Wilkerson said. "They came and told us the house was on fire."

Fire officials say five adults and three small children were at home at the time. When fire crews arrived they started search and rescue and found a 3-year-old boy was still inside.

"We managed to locate a young infant in the second-floor bedroom," said Capt. Patrick McNutty, Detroit Fire Department. "The infant did not have a vital sign. They were able to perform CPR and get the vital signs back."

The cause of the fire has not been determined but investigators say electrical issues could be to blame.

They are also looking at a space heater

"There was a space heater we are looking at that was next to a curtain used to divide a room," said McNutty.

Wilkerson says if space heaters played a part, it's upsetting.

"It's $1.4 billion dollars in the lottery but we have people who can't afford to keep warm in the winter," Wilkerson said.

Family members tell investigators that  there was a working smoke detector inside but if you need help getting one fire officials want you to give them a call."

"We have program to provide smoke detectors," McNutty said.

Detroit residents who would like to get free smoke detectors is (313) 596-2940.

A GoFundMe account has been set up to help the family. CLICK HERE if you would like to donate.