Bike Safety: Be safe and be seen

Biking is fun and it's a great way to get some exercise. But, we need to stay safe so we can ride another day! Here are some Michigan Biking facts:

  • 49% of Bicyclists are most often struck between 3 pm and 9pm in Michigan.
  • Youth (ages 5-15) involvement in bicycle crashes in Michigan is higher than national statistics: 32.4% compared to 26.8%.That means nearly one-third of all young people in Michigan are involved in a bicycle crash and one-forth of those (25.3%) are fatal/serious.
  • Males are involved in 81% of all fatal bicycle crashes in Michigan.
  • More than half of all fatal/serious injury bicycle accidents took place on two-lane roads (56.6%).                                                                                                                  
  • Together, 25 and 30 mph streets (neighborhood and downtown streets) accounted for 75.5% of all bicycle crashes, but the majority of fatal bicycle crashes took place on streets/roads with a speed limit of 45 mph or greater even though they comprised only 19% of the crashes.

Let's keep our family members safe…
- Helmet use has been estimated to reduce head injury risk by 85 percent.
- Helmets protect the most important thing you have…your brain.
- Helmets should be worn by EVERYONE while they ride anything with wheels.
- When crossing the street look LEFT, RIGHT and LEFT again
- Learn hand signals to stay safe
- Bike helmets should be replaced every 5 years, or after a severe crash
- If you ride your bike in the street:
§ Learn your hand signals
§ Be over the age of 10
§ Ride WITH traffic, not against it
§ Follow all speed limits and street signs
§ Wear lights, bright or reflective clothing

For more safety information, visit