Get Fit: 280 Mountain Climbers for Free Classes

Kimo from True Body Fitness is back with a challenge. All that's standing between you and a week of free classes (or a personal training session) are 280 Mountain Climbers. Sounds like a lot, I know, but Kimo assures me it's an attainable goal. Plus you have some time to work up to it. The deadline is February 28. Send your videos to or show up to the challenge session, February 28th at 1pm @ 1438 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, MI 48216. 

Check out the first segment for a video step by step. Odds are you'll at least do better than yours truly.


1. Count each leg as you do the mountain climbers to reach 280. One for right, two for left, three for right, etc..

2. You must attend the challenge session or send in your video by the end of the day February 28th. No exceptions to the deadline.

Segment Two is all about the bottom. Four simple movements you can do to not only build the booty, but strengthen the health of your hips, knees, ankles and low back.