2-year-old dragged by car when family member tried to run over relative

A little girl was badly injured in a hit and run - her mother says the driver tried to hit another relative at the time of the accident.

Asia Hutchins tried to contain her emotions while her 2-and-a-half-year-old daughter Aeva recovers.

"Yeah I'm mad, I'm mad like a mug," she said. "I can't say how far she was dragged, but she was under the car.

"Once he dragged her, I yelled 'You hit my baby' like 10 times," she said.

It happened last Friday on Mecca Street and Schaefer on Detroit's west side.  Hutchins says it started as a family dispute and then one family member tried to run over another with his car. But instead, Hutchins says he backed into little Aeva.

"I saw everything, I saw it with my own eyes," said Hutchins.

On Tuesday the suspect turned himself in to police.

"I'm just going to let the police deal with him, because if I do something to him - it's going to be bad," Hutchins said.

Despite her extensive injuries, Aeva is expected to recover.

"From her top to the bottom it's all fractured, her bones are broken," Hutchins said. "She's good, she's happy, she's doing her stuff, laughing, smiling, eating.

"She's strong, she made. If my baby would not have made it, I don't even know what I would do."