3rd Detroit summer school student positive for COVID-19 of 359 tested so far

Three summer school students have now tested positive for COVID-19  in the Detroit Public Schools Community District. 

The new additional case adds to the two reported last Thursday. The Detroit Health Department said Monday it has tested 359 students so far out of the about 600 enrolled in summer courses. 

"Currently, there is no indication of spread and the infection rate remains less than one percent, lower than the City’s general population. We will continue to track this situation and advise accordingly," said Denise Fair, chief public health officer for Detroit, in a release.

The health department said families and others who were in close contact with students testing positive have been notified by the Detroit Health Department to self-quarantine for 14 days and monitor for COVID-19 symptoms.

Protesters have routinely blocked DPSCD school buses every morning arguing that it is not safe yet for in-person classes to resume for children, the faculty or parents and loved ones at their homes, who may get exposed by the kids carrying the virus.

If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, contact the Detroit Health Department at 313-876-4000. Residents are advised to continue washing their hands, practicing social distancing, wearing a face covering and avoiding crowds.