'A total shame': Dozens without homes after fire destroys St. Clair County apartment

Residents of 24 apartments are now piecing their lives back together after a weekend fire destroyed their building in St. Clair County.

"Started getting yelled at to 'get out of the building, ‘it’s on fire,'" said Anthony Marentette, a resident of Bree Manor Apartments.

The backstory:

The apartment caught on fire around midnight Sunday. Fire officials said cold weather made fighting the flames more difficult, and at one point a fire truck even froze.

One resident suffered burns and two police officers suffered smoke inhalation, but everyone made it out alive. However, the building was deemed a total loss.

"It's a total loss, a total shame," said resident Tricia Peacock.

The cause of the fire is under investigation, but sources said a candle in one of the apartments may be a factor.

What you can do:

Community support has been pouring in for those impacted by the fire. Groups like the Community Foundation of St. Clair County are providing help through disaster funds.

Fundraising pages are also being set up to help.

This GoFundMe, for instance, was created to help a woman who lost everything.

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"Started getting yelled at to 'get out of the building, ‘it’s on fire,'" Anthony Marentette

"It's a total loss, a total shame," Tricia Peacock

missing cat

Bree Manor Apartments 

East China Township

just after midnight Sunday

cause under investigation

cold and wet weather caused issues

firetruck froze

24-unit building total loss

everyone made it out

one resident suffered burns

two police officers smoke inhalation

community support pouring in

Crime and Public SafetyAround Michigan