Community leaders welcome Detroit students back to school

Thousands of children are heading back to school this morning, and some are getting a special greeting at Detroit Public Schools. The Task Force on Black Male Engagement lined up outside the school doors to welcome the students to class, greeting the kids with a round of applause and high fives to go around.

"This is our second year doing this with the Task Force on Black Male Engagement and we just watned to make sure the kids are understood we're supporting them and as I always say, not just today but every day," says Detroit City Councilman James Tate.

The task force and other organizations just like it play a large role in shaping the future of our youth be redefining community service and family responsibility. This is happening across the country, because it really does "take a village".

"Many times, when they don't see us actively being their cheerleaders, they don't think that we're there for them," Tate says.

"Encouraging the kids, letting them know that they are Straight-A students, that they are ready for the first day of school and that the community is definitely here to support them. Not just the parents, not just the teachers, but the community of Detroit is here to support our kids and we love them," Sazuan Judkins said outside of Noble Elementary School.

Eight DPS schools have changed their names as part of a restructing plan. Some academies have added or expanded programs, such as dual languages, art and music.

As for improving the district as a whole, the governor hopes to cut DPS debt by splitting the school system into an old and new district. Legislation would have to pass by this fall for the split to happen in 2016.