Detroit area Boy Scout leader sent to prison for sexual contact with minor

A former Detroit-area Boy Scout leader was sentenced to jail Tuesday for having inappropriate sexual contact with a 12-year-old boy member of his troop.

David Radecki, 37, was sentenced to one year in the Wayne County Jail with credit for 23 days already served and five years of probation, per a plea agreement.

In June, he pleaded guilty to accosting children for immoral purposes and fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct.

Radecki will also now be a registered sex offender.

Before the sentencing, a friend of the family read a statement from the victim.

"I thought [Radecki] was my friend and he was going to teach me stuff in Boy Scouts ... He lied - he made me uncomfortable and now I hate Boy Scouts," the letter read. "I should have known he was bad when he told me not to tell anyone because it would ruin his marriage and career."

Then the victim's mother spoke.

"His need for self-satisfaction has taken something from my son and myself that we will never get back. He has taken away the fun of raising a teenager," she said.

The victim's mother said her son had wanted to one day become a Navy SEAL, and knew being an Eagle Scout would be the first step on his way to serving in the military – something he has little interest in anymore.

"This person has destroyed my son's future goals," she said.

Just before the judge issued his sentence, the defense spoke to add that Radecki is a former law enforcement official, a border control agent, and has no prior criminal record. After Radecki passed on making his own final statement, the Third Circuit Court Judge Lawrence Talon had something to say -- not to the defendant, but to the victim.

"The only thing that I offer to him and his family is 1. You are very fortunate to have such a loving and supportive family and good friends as well to support you through this. 2. Do not blame yourself for what happened because you did not deserve this. It's not your fault. 3. You have talked about the dreams that you've had - don't let anyone stop you from going after the dreams that you want. Keep your head up and i wish you the best."

Talon issued his sentence the court was dismissed.

The victim's mother said although she wasn't happy with the sentence, the upside to Radecki taking a plea deal for what she says is a lighter sentence is her son won't have to go through a trial.