DPD security for Lions-Bucs playoff game stepped up - some you'll see, others you won't

Lions fever is here — there may be One Pride - but more than 50,000 fans are expected back to Ford Field and even thousands more downtown.

It all adds up to police stepping up security to make sure everyone arrives safe  - and returns home that way.

"We will certainly have officers you can see, but others you can’t with covert operations to ensure our safety plan and enhance it,"  said DPD Deputy Chief Franklin Hayes.

Security is a top priority for Detroit police as the Lions host Tampa Bay in the NFL's Divisional Playoffs.

DPD will have officers both inside and outside the stadium — their force will be bolstered by around 50 Michigan State Police troopers placed downtown to keep the peace - and the traffic flowing.

"We’ll be turning some of the two way streets into one ways getting everyone in, and turning them outbound to get everyone out," Hayes said.

Traffic could cause headaches — but you need to be on guard — to avoid heart aches and an empty wallet.

From fake tickets to parking lots jacking up their prices to well over $100 — more people coming downtown, means more opportunity for scammers.

DPD will be on watch - but be wary of people trying to sell you tickets — especially paper ones.

As for finding a legitimate, legal parking lot — deputy chief franklin hayes says you will never be charged cash to park on a public street - and rates must be posted

"If somebody is attempting to charge you more than the posted sign, there’s a rate schedule that’s there; that would be of concern," Hayes said.

And - you could always use Lions fan April’s secret to parking downtown.

"Park down in the New Center Area and take the Q Line," she said.

FOX 2: "That’s the secret?"

"That’s the secret."

If you’re coming downtown Sunday - come early, plan your trip in advance.