Emergency repairs on Paint Creek dam in Lake Orion

MDOT and Village of Lake Orion are performing emergency repairs to the Paint Creek dam in Lake Orion this weekend.

The repairs will take place under M-24 (Broadwway Street) beginning at 9 a.m. on Saturday, August 19. A temporary dam along the bank of the Lake Orion dam, on the west side of M-24, and will divert water away from the Paint Creek dam. Another temporary dam will be installed downstream of the Paint Creek Dam.

Repairs include a combination of steel sheeting, concrete and large rocks along with soil stabilization measures to ensure safe operations of the dam structure and spillway.

Repairs are expected to finish up in about a month.

Current plans include keeping M-24 open although lane closures will be needed at times during construction of the temporary dams.

In the unlikely event of a change in the condition of the dam, city officials say they've met to prepare the emergency response. Some of the plans include; police and fire going door to door for emergency evacuation of residents and pets.

MDOT and the Village of Lake Orion co-own the Paint Creek dam and routine inspection discovered the issues needing immediate repair. Village staff will monitor the water levels frequently and ensure repairs are being expedited as safely as possible.