Former Detroit Public School police officer sues for sexual harassment after termination

"It was humiliating, it was demeaning."

Those are the words that former Detroit Public Schools police officer Kelley Mays used to describe the alleged sexual harassment that she experienced while working for the school. 

Mays, who worked in the Public Safety Department from June 2021 until last month, said that the then-deputy police chief made several disparaging comments towards her.
Mays said that after the alleged comments were made, including an incident where she was asked if she had gold "down there," she spoke with several high-ranking officials, including the then-chief.

She said he told her it would be taken care of, but nothing changed. 

"I reached out to the OIG office of inspector general, let them know what was going on - nothing was done, I contacted employee relations, labor relations, my union, nothing was done," Mays said.

After this, Kelley was demoted, according to her attorney, Eric Frankie. 

Mays, who was previously the highest-ranking female officer on the force, was demoted from sergeant to patrol officer and denied privileges needed to carry out her duties. 

Mays is now suing the school district for $1 million for alleged sexual harassment and wrongful termination. 

"What’s notable about the termination," Frankie said, "the very people Kelley complained to about the sexual harassment and who did nothing about it were the ones who fired her on false charges."

Mays said she wants her old job back, and for the people who mistreated her to be held accountable for their actions. 

The district’s former chief, Ronald Johnson is accused of making sexually offensive comments toward Mays and insinuating she was sexually involved with several male officers on the force. Although the incidents were reported to high-ranking officers, DPS administrators, and members of the school board, no action was taken, Mays alleges. 

Mays was terminated during a 2-hour closed-door session at the school board meeting on March 20. Her attorney said the action was another act of retaliation cited in the Michigan Civil Rights Act.

Kelley Mays