Former northern Michigan sheriff's deputy convicted of child porn, drug crimes

A former sheriff's deputy in northern Michigan is headed to prison after he was convicted of child porn and drug charges.

Andrew Wernette, 39, of Reed City, was a deputy in Osceola County.

A tip led authorities to execute a search warrant, where they discovered 100 images and videos of child sexually abusive material on Wernette’s computers and cell phone. Drugs were also found.

Officials said Wernette was in charge of the drug takeback program and would take medication that was supposed to be disposed of.

"This defendant took advantage of the position he held as a law enforcement officer to obtain various drugs for his personal use and engaged in extremely disturbing acts that exploited minors. We must not stand for this immoral behavior and this office will continue to take action to enforce the law and protect children in this state," Attorney General Dana Nessel said.

Wernette was arrested in September 2020 and pleaded guilty to numerous charges in February. He was convicted Tuesday.

He will serve concurrent sentences for nine counts related to possession of child sexually abusive material and drug crimes. He will also be required to register as a sex offender.

Wernette was convicted of the following charges:

  • Two counts of aggravated child sexually abusive activity, a 25-year felony;  Sentenced to three years, four months to 25 years for each count 
  • Sentenced to three years, four months to 25 years for each count 
  • Using a computer to commit a crime, a 20-year felony;  Sentenced to three years, four months to 25 years 
  • Sentenced to three years, four months to 25 years 
  • Child sexually abusive activity-aggravated possession, a 10-year felony;  Sentenced to three years, four months to 10 years 
  • Sentenced to three years, four months to 10 years 
  • Child sexually abusive material-distributing or promoting, a seven-year felony;  Sentenced to eight and a half months to seven years 
  • Sentenced to eight and a half months to seven years 
  • Larceny in a building, a four-year felony;  Sentenced to eight and a half months to four years 
  • Sentenced to eight and a half months to four years 
  • Possession of a controlled substance – morphine, a two-year felony;  Sentenced to five and a half months to two years 
  • Sentenced to five and a half months to two years 
  • Possession of a controlled substance – OxyContin, a two-year felony; and  Sentenced to five and a half months to two years 
  • Sentenced to five and a half months to two years 
  • Controlled substance-maintaining a drug house, a two-year high-court misdemeanor.   Sentenced to five and a half months to two years 
  • Sentenced to five and a half months to two years