Gov. Whitmer looking to 'tighten' Phase 4 restrictions before moving regions backward

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer addressed the rising number of daily cases in Michigan Wednesday evening in a Facebook Live Town Hall with FOX 2, saying the trajectory we're on right now is "concerning." 

The trajectory has many wondering - will some regions move backwards a phase in the MI Safe Start Plan? Right now, six Michigan regions are in Phase 4 and the Upper Peninsula and the Traverse City region are in Phase 5. 

The number of new daily cases began to flatten off early June for several weeks but has begun to rise again.

READ MORE: Risk level for COVID-19 spread increases in 4 Michigan regions

Gov. Whitmer said Wednesday the change in trajectory is concerning but that it doesn't necessarily call for moving backwards - yet. 

First, she said she'll be taking a look at ways restrictions in Phase 4 can tighten up a little before rolling back. 

For example, last week she ordered that indoor bar service shut down throughout most of lower Michigan after recent outbreaks were tied to bars. Bars do not have to close down completely, as they would in Phase 3, but can still offer outdoor seating and use creative methods like cocktails-to-go to maintain revenue.

Gov. Whitmer said another tighter restriction she would consider before moving backwards has to do with masks. 

"Other states are starting to require masks outside as well. We are seriously looking at other actions we can take - not going back to Phase 3 but tightening up here in Phase 4 so we don't have to," she said. 

Meanwhile, she wants Michiganders to know that wearing masks is required when you're indoors. 

"I think it's important that people know you are required to wear a mask when you're in a public place and can't maintain that six feet of distance. When you're inside you're supposed to be wearing that mask. That is the law of the land, and for some reason, that is not clear to everyone and I want to reaffirm that. Because you're out in public and in a public space you're supposed to be wearing that mask," she said. 

You can read more about the Town Hall and see what other questions Gov. Whitmer,  Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Joneigh Khaldun answered here, or watch in full in the video player below.

Gov. Whitmer has also called a press conference for Thursday, July 9 at 11:30 a.m. to talk more about the state's response to COVID-19. You can watch live with FOX 2 on TV or online at