LeDuff: On the Election Trail
There is no such thing as little people. Only people.
But American politics has a discouraging way of diminishing us, you, me, our children.
It's been an election-cycle two years long. Long on words. Short on substance. Short on people.
We've criss-crossed this great nation of ours over these past many months. In search of the real people from real places. The factories and farms. The ghettos. The barrios. Trailer parks and reservations.
We left the halls of power to the lipgloss media. What you will see here are the real Americans - from Garbutt, New York, Ferguson, Mo., Bakersfield, Cal, Chicago, Chattanooga, Tenn. and Detroit.
And this is what they say.
When you wake up, the name will have changed and the name on the desk may not be the one you prefer. In that case, try and remember "We the people."
We're in this together.