Macomb County aviation club member, former teacher accused of having sex with teen girl

Rex Dale Phelps (Macomb County Jail)

A Macomb Township man is facing criminal sexual conduct charges after authorities say he had sex with a child at Ray Community Airport.

Rex Dale Phelps, 71, is charged with accosting a child for immoral purposes and fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct - victim 13-15. He was given a $50,000 cash/surety bond. 

According to the Macomb County Prosecutor's Office, Phelps had sex with the 15-year-old teen at Ray Community Airport and during flights they took together. Phelps was teaching the child about airplanes and also is a retired teacher from Dakota High School.  

Phelps also has federal charges pending against him for similar crimes that happened in aircraft, Michigan State Police said. 

"Thank you to the Michigan State Police for their quick response to this matter," said Prosecutor Peter Lucido.