Man caught on camera stealing purse from Dexter home, while mom and child were inside

He was bold. He was brazen. He had a smile on his face.

That's what a Dexter mom said on Facebook after watching footage from her home of a man sneaking in and snatching her purse. The robbery happened while both her and her child were home.

"It freaked her out and she called us," said Keith Flores, Commander at the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office.

"This A**HOLE came in my house yesterday and stole my purse off my kitchen table!!! I was home!!! My child was home!!!" she posted online.

"Doing it in broad daylight, this is unusual," said Flores.

In the video, the man is crouched. Moving silently toward the counter, he snags the pink purse, spins around and darts out of the room. That happened Monday around 11 a.m.

There was no forced entry, however the garage door was open and the door inside was unlocked.

Described as an older man, police ask people to look out for a mid-2000s burgundy Ford Freestyle.

Police ask the man turn himself in, but emphasized this was an isolated incident. They also cautioned that residents don't be easy prey.