New app would let you rate other people

Image: Peeple on Facebook

A new app called Peeple is aiming to become like Yelp for rating, well, people. Consider it the social media child of Facebook, LinkedIn and Tinder.

The app lets you choose to rate a person professionally, personally or romantically. The people behind the concept believe the majority of reviews will be positive since you cannot leave your review anonymously.

The app is not expected to drop in the app store until the end of November, but a quick look on the company's Facebook page shows plenty of people are not fans of the concept.

Complaint number one? The fact that people can create a profile for anyone else in the world and rate them out of five stars - with or without that person's permission. And once the review is there, it stays.

However you feel about it, the app is getting people talking. At the time of posting this story, we tried to visit Peeple's website to get more info and it was crashed. Stay tuned.