New mom gets help from Detroit firefighters after going into labor early

Aneia Irby had lived next to the Engine 52 fire station her whole life. The building, located on Manistique Street in Detroit was a common sight for her and the firefighters that worked there got to know her well over the years. 

After this week, they may just be a lot closer. 

That's because it was the first responders next door that helped deliver her baby who wasn't expected for two more days. 

"All the doctors and nurses were shocked - like we're both good considering the circumstances but everything's good," said Irby. 

Fresh out of labor, the new mom's pregnancy looked like it would end early when early Tuesday morning she started feeling contractions. From there, she went to the hospital before doctors sent her home.

"They said ‘take a shower, walk, and we’ll see you back here in a few days’," she said.

Instead of a few days, it would be a few hours when her baby boy Tre-vez started coming. Thanksfully, she wasn't alone with her mom and grandmother both nearby.

"She didn’t know what to do because she had never delivered a baby," Irby said. "So my grandma said I’m going next door to get the firemen."

One truck had already left, so it wasn't clear if the crews still around the station would be able to help. The rig that had departed had all the necessary equipment on board to aid in deliveries. Firefighters instead grabbed what they could and went next door.

Irby wasn't planning on giving birth naturally. But baby Tre'vez couldn't wait.

"So the firemen came and they had to deliver the baby and that’s him," she said, smiling.

After a successful birth, Irby and her new baby were taken to the hospital. Mom and grandma made sure to snap photos of the event to ensure even the infant knows who helped him.

DetroitHeartwarming News