Oakland University tells 5,500 students they received full scholarships by mistake

For the second time in a week, a university in Michigan mistakenly alerted incoming students that they were receiving full ride scholarships, this time it was at Oakland University.

According to a statement from Oakland University, the mistaken notifications were sent in early January and informed the students that they were being awarded the "Oakland University’s Platinum Presidential Scholar Award, our highest award." In a statement sent to FOX 2 from the University, the students who received the message did not meet the eligibility requirements for the university's highest award. 

The university said those students did, however, qualify for other levels of scholarships. 

OU said it notifies students of awards through an official scholarship award letter via USPS.

Within two hours of those emails being sent, OU sent out a follow-up email with an apology and urging them to contact the school with additional questions.

OU confirmed to FOX 2 that approximately 5,500 students had been informed of receiving the award.

The scholarship is valued at $48,000 for four years at the university.

Included in the email notification were links to accept the scholarship offer and a recognition to register with others who received the award, according to a parent who spoke with FOX 2.

Three hours after the email was sent, the parent said his son received another email that the original one was inadvertently sent and that he did not receive the award.

This is the second time this week that a university in Michigan mistakenly sent out scholarship notifications. Central Michigan University admitted on Wednesday that 58 students had received a message in error that they had received a Centralis Scholars Award, which includes full tuition, room and board, money toward books and supplies, and a $5,000 "study away award."

CMU said they was not won the award but the message had gone out "inadvertently" as school staffers were testing new messaging technology.

University officials apologized for the error Wednesday night, and offered all 58 prospective students the equivalent of a full-tuition scholarship.

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