One arrest reported as fireworks, Detroit River Days, set attendance mark

Detroit police were out in force trying to keep the peace for River Days and fireworks festival.

"The message is clear," Police Chief James Craig said. "We did it."

Craig is celebrating a safe three-day period of festivities downtown with record attendance and only  one arrest over the four days. The lone incident was when a woman punched a police officer in the face Monday night.

"I'm a little surprised because he's about 6-2, 6-3," Craig said. "Not the officer you probably want to assault, but she chose him."

That woman was arrested, but she was the only one. It came after so much debate and concern over curfew.

Just four teens were detained for a short time and their parents were issued tickets.

"Detroit stood together throughout River Days and on the evening of fireworks," said Donnell White of the NAACP. "The community stood with police, police stood with business and business stood with elected officials. Together we protected our community."

So many police officers, community partnerships and the 165 volunteers worked to make the event - the best yet by breaking attendance records with about 165,000 over the period.