Protest march in death of Kevin Matthews shuts down Michigan Ave
DEARBORN, Mich. - Protestors marched down Michigan Avenue in Dearborn protesting the shooting death of Kevin Matthews.
The 36-year-old was shot and killed by Dearborn police on Dec, 23 during an altercation with an officer.
Matthews, who suffered mental illness, struggled with an officer over his gun according to police when he was fatally shot.
The peaceful protest march took place at 6:30 p.m. starting at Kroger near Michigan Avenue and Greenfield and was scheduled to wind up at the police department.
The incident happened on Whitcomb in Detroit near the city border. Matthews was said to be well-known by police and was wanted for a misdemeanor.
The march was led by civil rights groups, local pastors and protesters joined the family and friends of Kevin Matthews in Dearborn.
The day after Matthews was shot and killed by a Dearborn police officer; the family said they would march on the police station shutting down Michigan Avenue.
For roughly an hour tonight, about 200 demonstrators did just that.
"That's all I want justice for my son," said Valerie Johnson, Matthews' mother. "People care about my child, what happened to him."
They took that message of justice into the street.
"I hope (this brings) some attention to things in our country like police violence," said Les Little.
Police were there armed with video cameras of their own and helped to coordinate the half-mile march to the police station in the name of safety. Officers did this, despite being the target of their demonstration.
Chants like "Hey, hey, ho, ho, these racist cops have got to go."
"Having a misdemeanor warrant is not grounds for being gunned down," said political activist Sam Riddle.
The march ended at the front steps of the police station where an improvised rally took place. It was there the family again promised not to rest until they find the answers they are looking for.
FOX 2 "How hopeful are you that justice will come?"
"I am hopeful, because there is a lot of people standing behind us and with us and we appreciate the support through a terrible time," said Kimberly Matthews, his sister.
In the end the chants of "No justice, no peace" turned to "No justice no dollars." Organizers are calling for a boycott of Dearborn businesses until justice is served.
Matthews' family says they have not heard anything more about the investigation. Detroit police are handling it and say they will take as long as needed on this one.
The Dearborn police officer remains on administrative leave.