Skubick: Replaying Courser and Gamrat's day back at work

Perhaps to silence the critics back home that they could not effectively return to work given the scandal surrounding them, Rep. Todd Courser and Rep. Cindy Gamrat did return to the Michigan House last week.

How'd that go?

First of all, the TV cameras loved it. One reporter reported that his camera was the only one in the house chamber to capture Ms. Gamrat walking in for the first time. The earth apparently did not move at the same time.

Then there was Mr. Courser who was captured by the TV cameras standing in the house balcony. He looked down on the proceedings, while sitting next to members of his family there to show him some support, which he was definitely not getting on the house floor below.

Then the cat and mouse game began in earnest.

Capitol correspondents flocked to the gallery to chronicle ever Courser move. When one of them tried to move closer to actually talk with the lawmaker, the sergeant at arms instructed him to take a seat instead.

After some handle signals between the reporter and the "subject" were successful, Mr. Courser for the first time stepped into the hallway and explained that despite his "personal situation" he was there to carry out his responsibilities as a lawmaker, especially since they were talking about raising taxes for the roads which he is loathed to support.

Ms. Gamrat was a tad more camera shy. In a private conversation with one reporter she did confirm she was interviewed on Monday by the house business office looking into the behavior of she and he. But that was it. No interviews.

A little bit later on, she was escorted by the chief sergeant at arms into the Speaker's Library where she sat alone to have lunch. Can you say isolated?

By this time, Mr. Courser decided he would talk with any TV news crew that wanted in. Mr. Courser continues to maintain his innocence while thinking everyday about resigning. She has not closed the door to that.

Then the full house on a voice vote, so that nobodies name was attached to it, decided to create a special committee to possibly look into any wrongdoing by their two colleagues.

But for now, the two don't have to show up in town. They and everyone else are on break until September 9.