St. Clair Shores man travels to Ukraine to deliver donated supplies

You met Anthony Pate last week who was collecting supplies for Ukraine.

Anthony Pate, from St. Clair Shores, on a mission to get supplies to the people of Ukraine, talking to FOX 2 as he's crossing the border from Poland into Ukraine.

"It was stressful and heart-wrenching to be honest with you," said Pate. "As I was sitting at the border of the Polish side I saw a steady stream of refugees coming across.  It was quite impressive to watch the Polish army working. They were picking up kids and carrying them, they had wheelchairs for the elderly, and pushing them across in the wheelchairs."

As Anthony was talking to us, a Polish border patrol guard asked him for some papers. He eventually did get across the border.

Related: FOX Corp donates $1M to the American Red Cross for Ukraine relief efforts; how you can help

FOX 2: "Are you in danger?"

"No not at all," Pate said. "In front of me is just a long line of buses we're in line to drop people off at the border."

Pate said he will be making a 45-minute drive from the border to Lviv, Ukraine.

"I am going straight to the hospital there," he said. "Where we are going to give all the medical supplies. And then I am meeting with the escort patrol that is in charge of escorting humanitarian supplies into Lviv. I'll be meeting with them tonight. I've got some body armor and some military things for them.

"I'll spend the day tomorrow working with that team - they are all civilians. They have just been rounded up and put into this position. So I am going to teach them some of the skills I used to teach in the Army, and help those guys out."