Vice President Joe Biden not running for President

He's running! He's about to decide! He'll announce within two days! He's maybe, possibly, surely, definitely going to figure it out really, really soon!

Now we know: he won't run for president in 2016.

The Vice President announced Wednesday that he would not be running for President in 2016. Watch him make his on our YouTube stream here.

His decision finalizes the Democratic Party's field of White House candidates and sets Biden on a glide path toward the end of his decades-long political career.

Biden spent months deliberating with his family and political advisers about a potential late entry to the Democratic primary.

But he also said he might not be emotionally ready to run after his 46-year-old son Beau died of brain cancer in May.

Biden's decision bolsters Hillary Rodham Clinton's standing in the Democratic primary by sparing her a challenge from the popular vice president.