Woman found dead behind vacant Detroit school with signs of trauma
DETROIT - The two witnesses walk by the vacant elementary school every day and were heading to the store Tuesday only to find something they will likely never forget.
"I usually cut that park for my kids and seeing that, I'm not (taking) my kids up there anymore," Daryl Dorie said.
As the Detroit police crime scene van pulled up, Dorie tried to come to grips with what he saw.
"We both went over there to see if she was okay," Dorie said. "She wasn't breathing she was just dead, stiff."
In three years since the old Gompers elementary school at Davison and Patton closed it is vacant and decayed.
In addition to the rundown school the property itself has become a dumping ground.
The trash was picked up this morning but as Daryl and friend walked by found a new pile of trash.
"That new stuff was just dumped today and that girl just happened to be there."
He said that in between a pile of tires and trash was a woman.
"Out in the open, fully clothed," he said. "She just didn't have any shoes."
So he and his friend called police.
"When I called 911 they said can you give her CPR? I said there is nothing you can do for her."
Police took the report as a suspicious death.
"She had bruising and rigamortis had set in," Dorie said, adding it was clear to him that she was put in there by someone.
"She didn't have a spec of dirt on her," Dorie said.
And while police work to determine what happened, Dorie's concern is for a family looking for the same answers.
"Whoever she is, my heart goes out to her family," he said.
Police are still awaiting an autopsy for the exact cause of death.