Ypsilanti District Library adding social worker to help connect patrons with resources
YPSILANTI, Mich. (FOX 2) - In an effort to better serve patrons who need help, the Ypsilanti District Library (YDL) is adding a social worker.
"Embedding a social worker in the library will both support the community’s vulnerable populations and reduce the strain on YDL staff," said YDL Director Lisa Hoenig.
The backstory:
Thanks to a grant from Washtenaw County Community Mental Health, a library social worker will soon assist patrons at all three Ypsilanti library locations. According to YDL, the social worker will provide support to people going through difficult times.
The full-time staffer's duties will include connecting patrons with resources, such as mental health and substance-use services, housing and food resources, and more. They will also provide follow-through to those utilizing their help.
"YDL will be able to enhance the quality of its referrals, provide more in-depth assistance than staff could manage alone, and connect more patrons with much needed community-based services and resources for improved mental, emotional, and physical health," Hoenig said.
This social worker joins two Eastern Michigan University student interns, Cynthia Wilson and Anna Lyon, who currently help connect people with resources at the Superior branch. A professor with the social worker program at EMU will also provide trauma training for library employees.
According to YDL, grant money will also be used to provide a stipend for the EMU interns. Additionally, some grant funding will be used to purchase items that will be provided for those in need, such as toothbrushes and bus tokens.
What's next:
The new social worker is expected to start by the end of March.
The grant provides funding for three years. During this time, the program will be evaluated to determine its sustainability.
The Source: Information in this story was provided by the Ypsilanti District Library community relations coordinator.