Avenue of Fashion offering incentives, free shuttle to spur business during construction

Construction on Detroit's Avenue of Fashion has really hurt business but now the neighborhood is giving you an extra incentive to stop by for a visit. 

As construction continues, some patrons are voicing frustration. 

"I don't come this way no more. There's too much construction, there's too much traffic," Darcie said. 

"It's been hard to get in and out of this little square mile," Karie Glide said.

Business owners are also working to overcome challenges.

"I try to do everything by appointment, and so I have customers call before they come," Cheryl Denise Kitchen said.

But the city and these business owners don't want construction to put a monkey wrench in your plans to visit their shops. First Fridays is a new initiative taking place the first Friday of the month to get people out on the Avenue of Fashion to experience some great offers as they support small business.

"The incentive is to spend at least $100 per person. If we get a lot of people we get about $5,000 worth of business here on Livernois in one day," said Kim Tandy, District 2 Managers with the City of Detroit.

And that's not the only efforts to lessen the sting of the construction. On Friday, signs were posted along the avenue, letting all who visit the shopping district know that a free shuttle service will start on Saturday and continue every Saturday through November to bring patrons to the Avenue.

The shuttle will go through the neighborhoods surrounding Livernois, with stops at places like the park. 

Karie supports the idea of a shuttle service and encourages others to get on board to support businesses and activities on the Avenue of Fashion.