Facebook page for Mich. boy who thought he had no friends gets worldwide attention

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Photo from Facebook

(WJBK) -- A Facebook page created by a west Michigan mother to show her son that people cared for him on his birthday has gained worldwide attention.

Kalamazoo mom Jennifer asked her son Colin if he wanted a party for his 11th birthday on March 9. Colin's response broke her heart. He said there was no point because he had no friends.

About a year ago, Colin was diagnosed with a sensory processing disorder and another disorder similar to autism and Asperger syndrome, WOODTV.com reports.

"Because of Colin's disabilities, social skills are not easy for him, and he often acts out in school, and the other kids don't like him," Jennifer wrote on the Facebook page. "So I thought, if I could create a page where people could send him positive thoughts and encouraging words, that would be better than any birthday party."

The page had over 50,000 likes in its first week on Facebook. But thanks to a viral push from all over the world Happy Birthday Colin now has nearly 1 million likes.

Jennifer initially hoped to get 50 responses from family and friends, but never thought it would reach this many people.

"He's going to have a lot of friends after this," Jennifer told WOODTV.com. "They may not live by him, but he's going to have a lot of friends."

Colin does not know yet about the page. She plans on showing it to him on his birthday.

Jennifer also posted a mailing address for those who would like to send their birthday wishes to Colin. If you're interested, you can write to:

PO Box 756 Richland, MI 49083-0756