Huge sinkhole created after sewer pipe collapse
A large sinkhole opened up on Tireman, right where Dearborn meets Detroit Thursday.
Officials from the Detroit Water and Sewage Department say a collapsed sewer pipe lead was partially to blame.
Witnesses say the collapse happened just after noon, when a vehicle towing a heavy back hoe came to a stop on the weak spot on Tireman near Greenfield.
"When they stopped at the red light, the ground just fell through, just caved in," said Saif Salman. "It made a big sound like boom."
"When I came around the corner I saw this truck with a loader on it sitting halfway in the hole," said Owen Russell.
A city inspector is assessing the damage, and scheduling a contractor to fix the sewer line and the road.
The sinkhole is about the same size of the semi-trailer, and down below, are exposed gas lines.
More than 20 DTE Energy workers were called in to check on the gas lines. So far, they say there are no ruptures or leaks.
"It could've been me," Wilson said. "I wasn’t carrying that much weight but I come through here all the time."
There were no reported injuries from when the road caved in and city officials say the broken sewer line has not affected any homes or businesses. There is no estimate yet on how long it will take to fix the mess.