Judge orders mental evaluation in 11-year-old's manslaughter case

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During a brief hearing Monday, a judge ordered an 11-year-old to undergo a mental evaluation in his manslaughter trial.

The 11-year-old's identity has not been released, due to his age. He has been charged following the shooting death of 3-year-old Elijah Walker on Detroit's east side last week.

Elijah and his mother were visiting the house. Family members say his mother was inside the house with the boy and lost sight of him. The 11-year-old found a gun and brought into a parked car when the 3-year-old also climbed in. He was shot in the face and killed shortly after.

"Kids find things; it's their nature - and a gun can be a magnet to a kid. If you have ever left a gun unsecured anywhere in yourl ifetime for even five minutes, you can say a prayer of thanks that you're not involved in the nightmare that is this case," Judge Frank Szymanski said in court Monday.

The 11-year-old's mother spoke with reporters after the hearing. She says her son is doing okay and that this is all just a "horrible accident". She adds that she tries not to talk to her son too much about it so he doesn't have to continue reliving it. She also wants her son's father charged for not having the gun secured.

"If my son has to go through this, he should have to go through it, too," says Kwanna Luchie.

The boy is out on bond right now. He is due back in court September 9.