Lakeside Mall free plants is false information, police say
Police: Do not steal Lakeside Mall's plants
A Facebook user spread misinformation stating that Lakeside Mall's plants are up for grabs before the mall is shut down next month. But according to police, taking the plants is considered theft.
STERLING HTS, Mich. (FOX 2) - Next month, Sterling Heights' Lakeside Mall will close for good with a new development coming in the next few years. But a recent viral post on social media has Sterling Heights Police on alert and warning: do not show up to get plants from the mall.
Sterling Heights Police posted on Sunday that a Facebook post regarding "free plants" from the mall is false information.
"People have been showing up trying to get plants from Lakeside Mall. This information is false. Be sure to verify information like this prior to driving out to locations," the department wrote.
The post came with a screenshot of another Facebook post that claims people can take whatever free plants they want from the mall:
"Just an FYI for any who still may go to Lakeside, all the plants are real and you can take them. The workers said all them will be thrown out when they close the mall down. Tons of vining pothos and other types. Please be respectful and clean up any messes! Figured I'd let the plant lovers know!"

Sterling Heights Police said this post on Facebook regarding free plants is fake news.
The screenshot of the post from Sterling Heights Police did not show who originally put up the "free plants" post.
"We just saw two ladies looking at the plants, trying to pull it up," said Kitty Hickey, a Lakeside Mall shopper, on Tuesday.
According to police, taking the plants is considered theft.
"They can’t take it. It’s still their property until next month," said Leena Newville, another shopper.

The mall has put up signs at the entrances and all around the various vegetation, informing shoppers that nothing there is for free.
"It’s unbelievable," Hickey said. "There are signs posted all over the doors."
Despite the interest in Lakeside Mall's plants, there have not been any official reports of plant theft or related arrests.