Let it Rip Weekend: Dealing with COVID-19 in Michigan and addressing alleged Election Day fraud

Between coronavirus numbers reaching record high and Election Day fraud accusations still present, it’s safe to say that Michigan has a lot going on. 

The week on Let it Rip Weekend, FOX 2’s Charlie Langton and his panel touched on both topics. 

During the first portion of the show, newly elected prosecutors, Pete Lucido (R) and Karen McDonald (D), made their appearances to talk about how they will address COVID-19 in their new roles. 

Jumping right into the discussion, Langton asked McDonald if she will prosecute a person for not wearing a mask. While some may think putting a person in jail for not wearing a mask is a little extreme, McDonald said she would support it, if it came from state higher ups. 

“I think it depends on what the executive order at the time says and I would take leadership from the Governor’s Office and the Attorney’s General’s Officer. But, I do take wearing a mask very seriously because I want to get back to our everyday life,” McDonald said.

Lucido responded by saying while he supports any precautions, scientifically proven, to protect Michiganders from COVID-19, he isn’t on board with issuing jail time for anyone who chooses not to wear a mask. The reasoning is because of state funding. 

“There is no other state that has this mandate, and it’s going to be an unfunded mandate where police are going to want money to go out and enforce it and the courts are going to want extra money to try and go ahead and prosecute it,” Lucido said. 

However, McDonald thinks the only way to make this mandate a real requirement, is by teaming up with law enforcement. 

Moving to the second half of the show, Langton introduced viewers to Black Voices for Trump Supporter Anticia Boomer and Political Consultant Greg Bowens. 

On Saturday, Thousands of President Trump supporters hit the streets of Washington D.C. to protest the presidential results and to confront the alleged fraudulent behavior that took place on Election Day. Among those many protesters was Boomer, who expressed how she went to fight for what’s right. 

“I accomplished greatness and I went because I witnessed voter fraud in the city of Detroit in the TCF Center on Election Night,” Boomer said. 

Boomer went on to say she couldn’t get into specific details on the alleged fraudulent behavior because of an active case she has open, however, she did explain how she felt uncomfortable working at the location because she was asked not to wear anything that showed she was a supporter of President Trump, even though other poll workers were wearing “Black Lives Matter” masks and clothing. 

Bowens responded by saying while everyone’s concerns are valid, there are certain situations that SHOULD NOT be questioned. 

“I’m a liberal, so any concerns raised by people are legitimate, but not legitimate enough to discount votes of half a million people,” Bowen said. 

Bowen went on to say that the fraud accusations are not only an attack on Detroit, but also a racial attack on the Black community. 

“They attack Detroit, but they don’t attack Kent County,” Bowen said. “What they’re doing is racist and what they’re trying to say is Black folks can’t count.”
While Boomer had no specific response to this, she expressed how herself and other President Trump supporters aren’t going to stop fighting until they get the outcome they want.

“This case is to go all the way to the Supreme Court,” she said. “There was fraud and we are not stepping away and we are not giving in.”