Man accused in graffiti threat charged with threatening repo man with BB gun

The 49-year-old man accused of spray painting threats against Detroit Police and Chief James Craig has been arrested for the third time in a week - this time on an unrelated charge.

Stuart Lewis was picked up by Detroit police on Wednesday for felonious assault. According to police, the incident relating to this arrest stems from an incident that happened before the spray painted threat.

Police tell FOX 2 that Lewis threatened a man trying to repossess his vehicle, with a BB gun at his home about a week before the threat was found on the side of the building.

Lewis was first arrested on Friday on accusations that he spray painted "Kill all police Kill James Craig" on the side of a building near his home. On Sunday, he was released as the assistant prosecutor sought additional information.

On Monday, he was re-arrested on charges of terroristic threats, malicious destruction of a building and intent to deliver marijuana. He posted 10 percent of his $25,000 bond.

In previous interviews, Lewis claims police planted the marijuana and killed his dog. He also posed as a witness and said that he had nothing to do with the graffiti.