New Drip IV Therapy and Hydration location in Birmingham

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In our fast pace world, we go hard, but our energy levels often run low, making it hard to fend off the germs and sickness that seems to be everywhere this time of year.

"I am leaving town tomorrow really nervous about being sick," said Fallon Nikprelaj,

Fallon said she tries to eat right and takes about 15 vitamins a day, but sometimes she said it's not enough.

"Really long hours at a conference being on an airplane i just don't want to take a chance getting sick," she said.

So she is trying something different, getting her nutrients intravenously at Drip IV Therapy and Hydration on Townsend Street in Birmingham. Her IV bag of choice is called Ultimate Immunity, a potent dose of liquid vitamins and minerals.

"You actually bypass the digestive system so you retain 100 percent of the nutrients an oral pill people are only getting 20-30 percent," she said??

FOX 2's Taryn Asher sat down with Mark McManus, the CEO and founder of Drip IV, to find out what this new health trend is all about.

"IV right away if you are dehydrated b-12 will give you energy right away stay in system 3-5 das feel best on 3rd day if you receive the treatment," he said.

Mark learned about IV therapy while going to school out west and experiencing the benefits first hand. He took his business plan back to metro Detroit where he collaborated with cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn.

Together, they created several IV treatments that range from an energy boost and a hangover killer to a beauty bag, weight loss and athletic recovery. Mark said several pro athletes in our area are already taking advantage of the IV therapy.

"The environment we built here is very relaxing i think people see this is as more as an escape and feeling confident they did something for their health and better their life," he said.

Drip IV also offers concierge service where registered nurses come to you. If you don't know what will work for you, they also offer blood panels to see what you may be deficient in and create a cocktail of nutrients designed just for you.

Mark, who owns one of only three of these standalone businesses in Michigan, is happy to see his passion project come to life.

"It feels great long time coming happy where we are," he said.