Nonverbal child's iPad stolen at Pistons game: Family seeks help
DETROIT (FOX 2) - A child with a rare epilepsy disorder that robbed him of his speech lost his only form of communication during the Pistons game at Little Caesars Arena: his iPad.
The backstory:
Simon Valenzuelas was with his family at LCA on Saturday for Filipino Heritage Night and his 12th birthday, where smiles and joy were had.
Unfortunately, that did not last.
Simon is non-verbal due to a rare epilepsy disorder and autism. He lost his speech when he was three.
His only way to communicate was through his iPad while using augmentative and alternative communication, AAC. After the game, the family realized they didn't have the iPad.
"We were gone for maybe three or four minutes, came back, and our whole aisle was cleared out," said Simon's mom, Amanda. "I specifically said, hey, I'm looking for my child's iPad. It's the way he communicates with the world. Simon is autistic - he's non-verbal - and it's his communication device."
They made a report with LCA security and checked Find My Device, but someone had turned the location off.
The iPad is how he tells them he's hungry, how he says I love you. It's not just about communication but his safety.
"That's always our biggest fear because if he does get lost - he can't tell anyone if he doesn't have this - who he is - where he lives or anything like that," said Simon's dad, Neil.
What's next:
Simon's iPad has already been replaced by a non-profit they work with called Communication is Key, AAC, and they're grateful.
"It would be nice to hold somebody accountable for stealing from a disabled child - like we said - it's no different than stealing a wheelchair or hearing aids - or a walker or anything - it's the way he interacts with society," his mom said.
LCA is checking their security for the stolen iPad, and Simon's family is just hoping the story raises some awareness.
"I just want whoever took this to know - that they took away my kid's ability to communicate," his mom said.
What you can do:
If you know who has his iPad, FOX 2 would be happy to return it to him.
The Source: FOX 2 talked with the Valenzuelas and LCA officials.