Royal Oak first responders say they are prepared for COVID-19 patients

FOX 2 has been tracking developing news that someone who has COVID-19 symptoms is at Ascension Providence in Southfield. There is no word on how the patient is doing tonight.
There are now 12 confirmed coronavirus cases across Michigan. First responders have plans in place if they come in contact with someone who believe they have COVID-19.

"We always deal with contagious diseases they're always out there," said Jim Cook, assistant fire chief Royal Oak.

For Royal Oak firefighters who are also trained as paramedics, coming into contact with someone who’s sick and contagious is nothing new.

"If the patient is coughing, will put a mask on them," he said. "If it seems like they have a known disease we will use our full face masks and try to keep a little bit of a distance between us and them that's really the best thing we can do."

The Royal Oak Fire Department says they are always ready for an emergency - and now more than ever with COVID-19 concerns. 

FOX 2 is going to show you what they would do if they came into contact with someone who has the coronavirus.

If dispatch told them someone could have COVID-19, they would immediately put masks and gloves on. And when they arrive. they will always ask what your symptoms are.

Questions like, have you been out of the country, do you have a fever, do you have shortness of breath?

Jim Cook, assistant fire chief Royal Oak.

"One thing we are doing for the coronavirus, is that when we get a call and it sounds like there might be the symptoms, we are limiting how many people go in and deal with the patient," said Cook.

They also wipe down their equipment after every run. 

In Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan stressed they also have plans in place. 

"Our first responders have protocols and procedures all the time," Duggan said. "Our first responders every day are dealing with patients (who have) the flu, with TB, with HIV. They have communicable diseases and protocol every day."

Now these first responders are keeping their cool and they want you to know- they are ready for COVID-19.

"There's no panic as far as first responders," Cook said. "Maybe you up your awareness but I wouldn't say we are upping our service, because our service is always top notch anyway."

Disclaimer - a demonstration was used in the story and wanted to make it as realistic as possible. 

The Detroit mayor says if you come within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19, you should self-quarantine for 14 days from the time of the exposure.