Third sexual assault case filed against attorney Mike Morse

A third sexual assault lawsuit has been filed Thursday against high-profile attorney Mike Morse.

Attorney Geoffrey Fieger announced a third lawsuit, after the first was announced last week and the second lawsuit on Wednesday.


The lawsuit alleges the plaintiff was vacationing in Miami, Florida, in December 2016 with a group of friends. She was told they would be meeting up with Morse, a friend of one of her travel companions, at a restaurant. She had never met Morse before, the documents say.

Morse allegedly made various sexual remarks to the plaintiffs and others. They all left together, planning to drop Morse off at his hotel. He was in the backseat with the plaintiff when he is accused of reaching into her shirt and grabbing her breasts.

The plaintiff pulled away, attempting to hide the assault from her friends. Upon leaving the vehicle, Morse invited her back to his hotel room. She rejected, and he became visibly upset, the suit alleges.

In March 2017, the plaintiff says Morse attempted to contact her via SnapChat and she proceeded to block him.

The plaintiff is seeking $17.5 million.

The first case, which seeks $10 million, was filed last week. That suit claims a woman was sexually assaulted at Steven Lelli's On the Green this past April.

The plaintiff of that case claims Morse groped her breast while taking a selfie, and that afterward Morse and the restaurant owner attempted to persuade her against going to the police.

Morse held a press conference the same day that suit was announced, saying:

"I am standing here to tell you there is no truth to these allegations. There are multiple witnesses who were present at the time who observed that I did not touch this woman as alleged. This lawsuit is complete and utter nonsense. I will vigorously defend myself against these false claims."

The second lawsuit, which seeks $15 million, was filed on behalf of Morse's former employee, who says Morse assaulted her both verbally and physically while she worked at the firm.

It alleges Morse sexually assaulted the plaintiff by groping her breasts, touching his groin to her rear, and wrapping his arms around her on various occasions. The document also details lewd statements Morse allegedly said to the plaintiff. It says that the statements and the physical touching was done without permission or invitation on the law firm's premises.

Morse issued a statement on the second lawsuit:

"The individual was employed as a receptionist for about 18 months until she was terminated for cause on April 7, 2017.  She never made a complaint during the time she was employed at my firm. I employ approximately 145 people, about half of whom are women. I have been in business for two decades and I have never been sued. I am not going to continue to participate in Mr. Fieger's media circus, or his bid to attract more attention to himself and encourage baseless lawsuits. These matters will be handled in court."