Veterans from non-profit group perform community service in Detroit

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They served their country through the military and now these veterans are traveling across the U.S. to provide service to local communities

This group of volunteer veterans is from the nonprofit group "The Mission Continues" which connects vets to volunteer work

"We are here in Detroit for what is called the Motown Muster," said veteran  Marvin Cadet. "We're bringing in 75 veterans from across the country to work on service projects."

First stop - Detroit's Central High School.

"This is a tennis court here that we're going to transform into a basketball court," Cadet said. "We have other parts of the school we are going to turn into an outdoor exercise area, we're going to build some softball dugout and a shelter for the bus stop."

Cadet says his work through The Mission Continues is not much different from serving his country.

"In the military you learn a variety of skills and a lot of those skills translate well when it comes to community service," he said.

Across town in the Brightmoor section of Detroit, other Veterans are teaming up with Motor City Blight Busters to build a deck and clean up the community.

"It's in our blood, we volunteered to serve our country but once our military service is over  - the service doesn't stop," said Gordon Sodderbeg, a Navy veteran.

This Army vet came from Ohio to help out.

"It makes me feel like I'm giving something back," said Bob Murphy. "This country has been good to me."

This Detroit community activist says these military vets are making a major difference in the Motor City.

"We can't do it without the volunteers, there's no way we can get it done," said Kevin Johnson of Motor City Blight Busters.

If you want to learn more about The Mission Continues, CLICK HERE.