Waterford man fined $500, heads to court to prove dog is not pit bull
WATERFORD Twp., Mich. (WJBK) - A dog owner in Waterford is slapped with a civil infraction after a doggy dispute goes viral.
Dan Tillery posted a now infamous picture on social media of his smiling dog "Diggy" formerly named Sir Wiggleton.
But all that attention led to a debate over whether Diggy was an American Bulldog or really a pit bull. A Waterford Township ordinance bans pit bulls.
The dog's adoption papers indicate he's an American Bulldog and officials with Detroit Dog Rescue say they've been working with police to resolve the dispute.
"We had a pleasant conversation with Water police," said Kristina Rinaldi, Detroit Dog Rescue. "It looks like we really want to work together and what ended up happening was they said if you can get a Waterford vet that will look at Diggy one more time then we can go from there."
Tillery has ten days to schedule a court hearing and has to present confirmation from a licensed veterinarian about the dog's actual breed.
The ordinance prohibits any person from owning, possessing or maintaining a pit bull/pit bull terrier within the Township and a violation can result in a civil infraction and a fine of $500.00.
Tillery had been told that the dog had to be relocated by June 13, but after officers responded to his residence, found the dog still there and issued the civil infraction.
He was advised to contact the court within 10 days to schedule a hearing. The dog was left with Tillery.
Tillery will have an opportunity to present to the court, confirmation from a licensed veterinarian indicating the actual breed of the dog. The court will make a determination regarding the validity of such confirmation.