Detroit approves new restaurant grading system

A new way to know if a restaurant passed its health inspection is coming to Detroit.

The city council unanimously passed the Dining With Confidence ordinance this week after a pilot program that started last year.

When the ordinance goes into effect in six months, restaurants must post a color-coded sign outside their business. Green would mean they passed their last health inspection and are good to go. Red would mean the health department shut the restaurant down.

This sign system is designed to increase transparency and make diners feel more comfortable when they eat out.

City council voted down a similar ordinance in 2022. That program, if passed, would have included yellow signs for restaurants that were in the process of correcting violations. Some argued that the requirement would be too burdensome on restaurant owners.

After that proposal failed, the city started a voluntary pilot program that issued green placards to compliant eateries. 

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