Business booms as warm temperatures linger
It may not feel like Christmastime in the city, but the mild weather has boosted foot traffic and sales at local stores.
This time of year, you'd expect to see have snow on the ground to help provide some holiday magics. But local owners aren't complaining. They've seen an increase in the number of walkup customers.
"Sales have been fantastic," according to Rail N Anchor manager Megan. She attributed the 'fantastic' sales to the weather. "A lot of people have been interested in helping support small businesses in the holiday season. They're coming out in droves. It's amazing."
From Rail N Anchor to Scout to UHF Records, the trend is the same: business is good!
The clock is ticking, not only on the weather but the amount of shopping time you have left. Get outside and go shopping. There's only two days left!