Newport man pleads guilty to attacking Black teen with bike lock at park

Lee Mouat repeatedly used racial slurs and said that Black people had no right to use the public beach where the incident occurred. Mouat then struck one of the teens in the face with a bike lock, knocking out several of the victim’s teeth, lacerating his face and mouth, and fracturing his jaw.

Charges against Detroit protesters for summer demonstrations dropped by judge

David Cripps, one of the lawyers representing them, says the city failed to provide due process. "They couldn't articulate who or which officers made the arrest, couldn't provide us bodycam footage on top of what we saw, to be the constitutional violations of arresting those who were just protesting," he said.

Detroit drops cases against BLM protesters but Macomb County presses on

"The truth is what we saw the city of Detroit do, was mass arrest, mass police brutality, and the fact that they can't show us body cam video, can't tell us who arrested who," Wallace said. "None of that is a shock, because what happened to us was not only police brutality, it was completely disorganized."